Fear of a Black Planet

Shouts out to Supreme Design Publishing who recently put out a book called When the World Was Black. Even though due to priorities I have not been able to purchase the book yet, I highly recommend it for everyone reading as their consistent track record with suppressed truth the world could benefit from as well as practical information oppressed people can apply to help better there situation is well…….supreme!  However looking at the title on face value many would say it implies the world is no longer black, those people would be wrong in their assumption for that is not what the book is saying, I KNOW that without even reading.


However judging by what you see in media in THIS country I could see how some people would think that because as Frances Cress Welsing said, “when you turn on the tv all you see is white white white.”


The premise of much of Welsing’s work is in tandem with the title to Public Enemy’s classic 1990 album which is also the title of this build. It was building on much of the idea of the threat of white annihilation due to black or original people being the most dominant species on the planet as white genes are recessive. I don’t agree with Welsing’s point once upon a time as to why MLK was killed due to him “preaching for all to love one another despite racial differences” though. Yes, it’s true that if nothing but the opposite sexes with one being black and another white laid down to have babies this would eliminate the “white race” eventually (it’s science! This is one of the main reasons white militia groups shun interracial relationships, not just because they are some racist pricks that suck at life) however I don’t feel that’s why MLK was assassinated (that’s another story though)

Welsing stated that most people who when they have babies want the baby to look like them subconsciously even if they say they don’t care, that is unless their self hatred is on par with Uncle Rukus. Those in power that run the media suffer/suffered from the same dilemna in who they would want to put on their networks, shows, movies, commercials, in political office etc etc etc. This type of white washing has been going on for centuries but after doing the 1 to the new Ironside trailer on NBC, I was thinking about how things come in cycles and how much media can inform us of where society is going. With the whitewashing of many biblical figures (even though none of the ish is of the historical record the stories were written by original people thus the characters they wrote about would be original because shoot…….the world was BLACK!) as well as movies where Cleopatra was played by Elizabeth Taylor (and to my understanding Angelina Jolie is playing her in an upcoming movie) and tv shows like Isis, I feel with a black president (in entertainment like 24, Deep Impact, White House Down, 2012, The Event which Blair Underwood was also in), Spider Man, Nick Fury, Kingpin, Honeymooners, Catwoman (shouts out to the first black one Ertha Kitt, the original Harvey Dent in the first Tim Burton Batman was black as well) we are seeing a changing of the guard, let me explain….

Most likely with white people writing positive black characters or heroes, more times than not they probably aren’t racist. The white inviduals who were the founders of white washing when they first started doing it most likely were. When it is said Obama is the first hip hop president, it doesn’t mean hip hop voted in droves to elect him. It means hip hop (which is the most influential tool on the planet creating new trends, slang and culture the whole world tries to emulate or use to manipulate and exploit) helped to establish an atmosphere where this nation could accept a black president and not loot and riot and go out “hanging nigras in record numbers” like they would have in early 20th century. FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET, this is why the old power structure hanging on by a thread is still trying to suppress this reality in what they control. Look, you’re never going to get another Public Enemy where you hear their songs on lamestream radio or see their video in the middle of the day. Doing that has lead to what I was saying earlier and has taught others the meaning of civilization. Hip hop is so powerful and unfortunately it’s mostly those that are afraid of it who are the only ones that realize this. We have whole generations now that grew up listening to PE and NWA saying fuck the police who are now in politics, judges, police and creating media. Do you see where I’m going?

Now granted, there are NUMEROUS people who grew up on hip hop music and it was just a fad to them. They know what time it is but they get in a certain position and sellout the culture by acting like they don’t know what time it is or just fall into their white privilege or sellout role. It’s a war right now. Like the network that learned from their mistake in putting out that special in the 60s on the Nation of Islam entitled The Hate that Hate Produced (thinking who it was directed at would find the NOI crazy but it turned out to do the opposite as many watching it said to themselves, “that’s what I’m talking about” and wanted to learn more or get involved), powers that be today are trying to undo what they did by showing an element of what they call hip hop culture (when it’s not even hip hop but what we refer to as the rap industrial complex) that will have the whole world that is influenced by it thinking the main folks who make up the performing artists in it are a bunch of ignorant, sex crazed, no conscious having, self hating, mysogynstic, egotistical, wannabe republican capitalist slave robots when we have had a track record of being the most conscious and most leftist revolutionary block of this country.

One of the main reasons for the Million Man March was to show the world how great we are and to combat the misconception  much media including the controlled hip hop (because it was already on the downslide in 95, many people like to point to the release of Dr. Dre’s Chronic in 92 as to when the “golden age” of hip hop ended which is usually defined as 88-92) had people believing. Seeing TWO MILLION brothers in DC coming together for one common cause in peace with no problems had a HUUUUUGE impact on other world leaders and opponents of America who support the black struggle. The tours Farakhan commenced to do afterwards helped to show a side they weren’t seeing. That work he did is being undone now similar to how much work folks like Malcolm and Clarence X did in Harlem was undone by the assisted Frank Lucases, Nicky Barneses and Bumpy Johnsons. Similar to how the work of the Black Panthers, BLA and other progressive organizations was undone by the blaxploitation film era. Out of that was birthed the hip hop movement as an answer and we still going strong on the independent route today. It’s a war, I feel WE are winning, there are hundreds maybe thousands of independent outlets like TRUE SKOOL RADIO taking what they got from hip hop and using it as a tool for positive change and spreading the knowledge the way they got it. Although I feel we are winning, it’s a slow process and we still have a lot of work to do because the enemy is ALWAYS working overtime and NEVER sleeps.

With all that being said, can you imagine if Will Smith ever played the role of Superman (who is based on the black gods of ancient Kemet) or Beyonce played Wonder Woman like once rumored? I think this country would have been more upset with that than Obama becoming president. And for the record, I am not an Obama supporter, I voted for McKinney in 08, know dat!